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Old February 3, 2022, 11:34 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default A buying frenzy you might cash in on.

I've talked about building networks of buyers for 40 years, it was a big part of the first Chattel Report, sold offline only.

In that report I showed how to set some networks of buyers up.

But as it has been with all of my off line activities, I don't share that, or didn't until today.


Some of my connections are in a buying FRENZY. Why? Supply problems, DEMAND rising, and the economy.

If you have JUNK sitting around your house, of almost any kind, NOW is a good time to turn it into cash.


Back story: 30 years ago I and my associates ran ads in the circular pubs, often called adsheets. I've linked to them before, well, OK, I'll do it again:

Well, I keep an eye on these, participate in some programs, which I keep offline and very seperate from what I do online.

One of the most popular ads I ran was called I'M BUYING. Here is what it looked like:

A SowPub member has been working on his publishing project for over a year, and is soon to launch, and the circulars will play a big part, I offered some advice over the year.

I am about to RELAUNCH my I'M BUYING hotsheet, BECAUSE...

THERE IS SO MUCH DEMAND today for so many things, much of which can be found in basements, attics, garages, sheds, storage is time to get all of that stored value out of storage and into circulation.

I'll have more details later. NETWORKS was probably the most important thing in my Chatteling reports, yet, a very small % actually built them.

THIS is the year to help people who are searching, seeking and BUYING and some are even paying nice FINDERS FEES, which I will cover in the new I'M BUYING circular.


P.S. I've always kept offline (except for postcards and a few other things) very apart from online, it was something established over 25 years ago, and part of not only NOT PUTTING all your eggs into one basket, but keeping the baskets very far apart from each other too...or the Paranoid's Guide to Keeping Your Moolah out of sight of the criminals. HMMM, a new report? HA!
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Old February 6, 2022, 04:15 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default A crazy story of our time of low supply...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Some of my connections are in a buying FRENZY. Why? Supply problems, DEMAND rising, and the economy.

If you have JUNK sitting around your house, of almost any kind, NOW is a good time to turn it into cash.

Thanks Gordon,

Your post is an important post!

I'll tell you a funny story...

A few years ago, I bought a car from my friend... It was kind of old (1993), but it ran... When I bought it, the car was about 20 years old... It was a second car (my wife has a little bit fancier Prius)...

My friend was moving interstate for work at short notice, and he wanted to get rid of his car quickly... He wanted $500 for it, so I paid him...

Well after about 7 years, that car stopped running. I ain't no mechanic, but I was told that there was something wrong with the starter motor. To fix it would cost more than the $500 I paid for the car!

Well... I just sat on it... then, a couple of months ago, someone came to our door. He was offering $100 to buy the old car which didn't work any more (to sell for parts)...

My wife - who is an amazing bargainer (I've seen nothing like it) - managed to bargain him up to $200...

I couldn't believe it! I bought the car (working) for $500... then, many years later, sold it (not working) for $200...

But that's because we're in a crazy time of low supply... The value of the old, non-working car, had gone up...

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : February 6, 2022 at 04:26 AM.
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Old February 6, 2022, 12:27 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Take cities. They order some things a year or two in advance.

Fire engines, emergency trucks, UTILITY trucks...

These big money purchases are scheduled a few years out in most cities, then when the budget comes in, they may order. Now some things, may have escalation clauses attached.

It may take a year to get in line for a slurry machine for example, and if the Mfgr is using steel, and inflation hits and the time between their order and the delivery, there is escalation they can pass onto the customer.

However, there could be penalty deadlines too. What is ONE of the supply PROBLEMS is that small critical specialty and limited machining (meaning only a few can produce it due to specs) tiny little 100 pound turret motor which is 8 months down the road...

Well, you all get the point.

We, as consumers, panic over toilet paper and make a run, but those types of supply problems don't actually grind things to a halt.

But when specialy mfgrs, think CAT, or FIRE ENGINES, or earth movers...especially those big items used in infrastructure, you may pass them on the highway and think their work is a pain in your patoot.

But who gives a thought to the EXPENSE of those things? And replacement parts? And supplies?

Well, I do.

Anyhow. It isn't a consumer concept about the supply chain, we've got plenty of things to wipe our butts with (albeit, not as wonderful as fluffy TP).

But in the Gov't supply chains, country, states, counties, cities...where there are billions of dollars of orders on the books, THAT is where one area of the supply crisis is going to show up very soon. It has taken months for it to catch up, but we will see more inflation before we see prices fall back.

Not only will prices rise, packages will get smaller. The cheerios box may be the same size but contain half an ounce less (X millions of boxes).

Great time to get into buying and selling.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Thanks Gordon,

Your post is an important post!

I'll tell you a funny story...

A few years ago, I bought a car from my friend... It was kind of old (1993), but it ran... When I bought it, the car was about 20 years old... It was a second car (my wife has a little bit fancier Prius)...

My friend was moving interstate for work at short notice, and he wanted to get rid of his car quickly... He wanted $500 for it, so I paid him...

Well after about 7 years, that car stopped running. I ain't no mechanic, but I was told that there was something wrong with the starter motor. To fix it would cost more than the $500 I paid for the car!

Well... I just sat on it... then, a couple of months ago, someone came to our door. He was offering $100 to buy the old car which didn't work any more (to sell for parts)...

My wife - who is an amazing bargainer (I've seen nothing like it) - managed to bargain him up to $200...

I couldn't believe it! I bought the car (working) for $500... then, many years later, sold it (not working) for $200...

But that's because we're in a crazy time of low supply... The value of the old, non-working car, had gone up...

Best wishes,

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Old February 6, 2022, 04:57 PM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Use the same concept with grocery shopping

While my part of the country doesn't have a large amount of items missing from grocery shelves (except pasta for some reason), it might be a good idea to stock up on items that have a long shelf life.

I know Gordon was talking about BIG items on the city or county level which will impact us, but to combat the impact of the BIG items, smaller things need to be looked at a bit.

Canned goods with water such as fruit cocktail or pears, peaches or other fruits keep a long time and have liquid that is valuable. Canned meats last a long time and don't need refrigeration.

Rice and beans, as well as pasta keep a long time as well. (Does this sound like a survival lesson?)

I guess when folks talk about long term issues, I keep thinking about practical methods to keep going.

Maybe it's time for me to create a new book.... "What to Do When That Transformer is Months Away."
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Old February 7, 2022, 06:44 AM
MikePT MikePT is offline
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Default Re: A buying frenzy you might cash in on.


As you have those awesome 2 topics at the Warrior Forum:

10 Ways to Make Money Without Starting a Business


Gordon reply to: The Fastest Way To Make Money

I would ask you your 10 Ways/Habits To Be Financial Independent or your 10 Ways To Never Be Poor In Your Life



Last edited by MikePT : February 7, 2022 at 09:01 AM.
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Old February 7, 2022, 11:20 AM
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Default Re: A buying frenzy you might cash in on.

Originally Posted by MikePT View Post

As you have those awesome 2 topics at the Warrior Forum:

10 Ways to Make Money Without Starting a Business


Gordon reply to: The Fastest Way To Make Money

I would ask you your 10 Ways/Habits To Be Financial Independent or your 10 Ways To Never Be Poor In Your Life



OK, I'll do my best here, as long as one recognizes there is a lot of subjectivity in these questions, so these are my opinions.

Ways and habits, lets take them separately and define poor.

In order to be financially INdependent, one must first know the dependencies. Most won't argue a need for food, clothing, shelter. And then everything else.

I've known several people who were INDEPENDENT, yet could be labeled "poor" if they were only seen in dollar signs.

One of the most independent people I have ever known, never held a job, and that from about 1972 to today. He did, however, have a remarkable amount of talent and skill and converted those into his freedom.

He taught surfing at the beach, taught golf and tennis, painted houses, built tennis courts and to my knowledge worked under a basic business license for most of these activities. He would also TRADE or barter skills too. A tennis court might cost 60 thousand, with at least half of that in labor, so his labor would be bartered for other things. Rather remarkable too.

This was one of my ol Navy buds, and it seems that those days on the submarine bred more than one guy who just didn't want to be bossed around ever again. So we chose not to, or like me, quit at the first sign of AHoleness, which explains my 30+ jobs so far. HA.

So, if you were to look at Bud's social security, or to see him on paper, you would only see the story he wants you to see, but you would never know the reality of his life. Lots of adventures, doing what he wanted, seeing what he wanted, being with and around the kinds of people he wanted.

In my opinion, Ol Bud had more freedom and financial independence than any millionaire I played golf with. I use him as my personal hero of not working.

See? Most guys would work years to make the money only to be able to DO the things, to have the EXPERIENCES that Ol Bud did routinely, on little to NO cash outlay.

Then is the Sarge, whom I've written about, a WWII Vet who served with Patton, took a bullet to the head, raised a family worked a full time job, had several side gigs, lived in a modest home, drove modest cars but when he passed he was celebrated locally like a hero, he was so beloved.

Although the Sarge was NOT financially independent, he left no debt, a paid off house, money in the bank, insurance, and four adult kids who had a lifetime of positive memories.

So the Sarge, was one of the RICHEST men I have ever known.

See? Again, I'm rendering some opinion here. Mainly because I have known the financially free folk, some were great people and some, maybe many of them were huge jerks.

As to the WAYS to be financially independent, I would say this:

KNOW what that means to you.

What is the dollar amount, net worth, or bank other words is your definition going to be dollar based? Is it just a balance sheet, or spread sheet, or bank account, or spending power, or having a black credit card?

Only YOU can define what financial independence would be for you? And if that IS an AMOUNT, then first thing would be knowing what that amount would be...

...then, as in everything GJA, a Plan of Action, incorporating whichever of those fastest ways to make money as suits the plan, and just do what needs to be done on the timeline to make it manifest.

As for the habits part. The ways would be the EXCHANGE OF VALUE methods one has chosen. In Ol Buds case, he had skills. With the Sarge, he had jobs.

Jobs, or working for others, or even a business, especially a brick and mortar one, requires routines; getting up, going somewhere, doing something and then repeating the routine over and over.

Today, if one had a MONETARY goal, an amount that they would be able to declare themselves Financially Independent, then my advice would depend on the amount. Above 10 million, I would suggest building a business a bigger fish would want, make it profitable and bait the bigger fish to buy it.

If only a couple of million, I would suggest some sort of recurring income which can be scaled up.

As for being POOR. Again, with my opinion, that is a state of mind, and the answer is simple: don't think of yourself as poor, even if at some point on the lifeline you are penniless and homeless, see it for what it really is...

...a moment of time, a photograph and see the little triangle down the road and then do what needs be done. But NEVER, ever THINK of yourself as being a poor person, that is one of the most selfish ideas in the world.

Because if anyone is truly poor, it simply means they are NOT giving anything to the world at all, so the solution to that "problem" is exactly the same for becoming Financially Free...

GIVE first, and do what the day needs you to do.

As for the map, I can only draw that once all the information was provided, and then like all map makers, wish one well on their JOURNEY, but not being a sherpa, send them down their road.


P.S. You might like this 14 minute exercise, also from the Warrior Forum, about 5 years ago.

Also, you'll find my VOICE has been consistent for these past 30 years.

What do you want? Why?

And I had the SQ1 for the HOW posted for 18 years. That's about all I got.

FROM the very beginning of SowPub:

Last edited by GordonJ : February 7, 2022 at 12:21 PM.
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Old February 7, 2022, 01:23 PM
MikePT MikePT is offline
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Default Re: A buying frenzy you might cash in on.

Digesting your reply Gordon.

Because if anyone is truly poor, it simply means they are NOT giving anything to the world at all, so the solution to that "problem" is exactly the same for becoming Financially Free...

GIVE first, and do what the day needs you to do.

See? Most guys would work years to make the money only to be able to DO the things, to have the EXPERIENCES that Ol Bud did routinely, on little to NO cash outlay.


Your answer really reinforced what I already suspected... The problem of not knowing exactly what you want. The guides, the "how to" are just Maps.

Difficulty is knowing what exactly you want.

Exactly as Jim.F.Straw tells on "Mustard, Seeds, Shovels & Mountains".

What hurts me a lot is people close to me giving me pressure to "adjust to Society and be financially independent once and for all". Clearly nothing new.

But well, looking at their lives I don't identify at all – even because I will say that few people are truly financially independent, in the sense that they delusionally think that money is the solution to everything. Money is just a tool.

Thank you for this opportunity for self-analysis and venting.

He reinforced what he suspected.

Thanks Gordon.
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