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During my Holiday break, this came to my attention.
Attention Interest Desire Conclusion ACTION S A T I S F A C T I O N Some abbreviate to AIDA, I prefer mine. Why? Because without the satisfaction you may have created a one off deal, or a one time customer. How do you know if they are satisfied? ASK THEM. Glenn O has give us ample examples of BRIBES, and getting feedback to enhance and improve your product, so search through his many posts and find some gold you can use. A buyer should never go more than few days without some follow up, FEEDBACK IS THE MARKETER'S JOB, not the customers. So, to build your business, get customers, ASK THEM, and then if satisfied, make more offers. I am ALWAYS amazed at any marketer, even one with only one sale a week, who does not follow up with his/her customer to check on their SATISFACTION. Shortcut the AIDCAS formula if you want, don't shortchange your buyers. Gordon |
I realized another angle on what you wrote about...
Hi Gordon,
After reading your post, I realized another angle on "satisfaction"... which is... Many businesses do not inquire about satisfaction. Which means that if you do... You'll stand out from the pack! Undoubtedly, the customer will be more impressed... and as well as feeling good about it... they'll also be more likely to buy from you again in the future... Best wishes! Dien Quote:
From our convo...good to catch up with the Band Man...
Super nice chat, a couple of thoughts...although the sound is different, the band you manage reminds me of The Fendertones, my preference when listening to Beach Boy tunes, they have a deeper, fuller sound.
So I guess that is what I like about your band, the full, rich sound and the multi cultural beats. Anywho... I've been thinking about TRANSACTIONAL VS RELATIONSHIP. My now and for the rest of the time, is mostly transactional...GRAB AND GO (away from me). As a publisher you have mostly RELATIONSHIPS, with your members here and subscribers on your Newsletter lists. I mention this because what I see around the Net, and I do get around that most newbies WANT transactions, but they don't have the experience to get them...where as the Relationship takes TIME to build albeit, probably more profitable and higher Lifetime Value of a customer. So it comes down to choosing which one at the start of something new. And maybe age/TIME has a say. Having young children in the house is just naturally going to take up some time. I don't think most people are very good time "managers", if that is what you want to call it. When I tell people to start at Gumroad with a transaction, USUALLY a low cost one, it is to get them to see all the elements of going forward. But at the same time, whatever the thing is that is being sold, the ideal is to have it create a relationship. They both work, so it comes back to what one wants from their efforts. Younger people might be better served with building relationships, older geezers like me self may want to stay with TRANSACTIONAL Grab & Go Products with no fuss, no slop and mess. Any further thoughts? Gordon Quote:
Last edited by GordonJ : August 10, 2023 at 12:20 PM. |
Transactional vs Relationships... it's how the world works...
Hi Gordon,
I like your (very important) discussion about TRANSACTIONAL VS RELATIONSHIPS in business and marketing... I think, for any product, there is going to be a relationship element, but of course it will differ depending on how it's done! A person may never speak with a salesperson from Apple (for example), but they still may feel like they have a "relationship" with Apple if they love the products... Even if they never communicate with you directly, anyone who buys any info-product written by Gordon Alexander will start to feel like they have a "relationship" with you... Through your writings... I think "relationships" in this way are very important! The world goes round on relationships... It's a powerful force... Even if it is done in this kind of weird way... Best wishes, Dien Quote:
Transactional vs Relationships... it's how the world works...
Thanks Dien. I remember sitting in a barbershop and the woman cutting my hair was excited because she just bought an EDENPURE space heater, and was saying it was the Cadillac of heaters...and cost as much.
Well, I didn't have the need to educate her on heaters, so let her enjoy her happiness. So, sure, brand relationship is an important element. You know me and Little Debbie have had a decades long affair...despite an occasional Hostess moment. In our world, we can choose at start up to be just transactional, and today that would be my preference, or if branding, to use an assumed identity or non de plume, such as Frank R. Wallace (NEOTECH)...AND then all things relative would be under the Neotech Brand, as an example. Social media is new way of relationship building, and if one is so inclined, can put themselves out there. I'd rather go the Little Debbie route, or Betty Crocker, etc., etc. They (customers) can have a relationship with the brand, but not me as the person behind it. As for selling to those identified prospects, we still must create TARGETED promotions which interrupt them on their lifeline at the right moment and make that interruption meaningful and important to them AT THAT TIME. Gordon Quote:
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