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Old September 27, 2006, 10:07 AM
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Default FREE Copy of first chapter of

I giving away the free first chapter of "Tested Sentences" I know your going to love it. It is about Sizzle. If your in business you need to know this.

If you want any more information about the book just email me at [email protected]
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Old September 27, 2006, 10:31 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Joe, that reminds me, a Sizzlemanship FORUM might be great...

Dien has a movie of Elmer Wheeler in action, maybe we could post that at the SIZZLEMANSHIP forum.

Actually, we had lengthy discussions about all the Elmers (Wheeler, Leterman, Gantry) back in the old days...and I did a breakdown of Sizzlemanship with MODERN updates, in I believe, the Jim Straw Study Group (a lot of GREAT information in there).

Much of Wheeler's stuff was the forerunner of NLP, and his Wheelerpoints are still good starting points of salesmanship.

Elmer Leterman wrote two great books on selling; Commissions Don't Fall From Heaven and The Sale Begins When the Customer Says No. I consider them must reads for the salesperson.

I at one time had all of Elmer Wheeler's Books, including his travel and diet books, I just liked his writing style. I think, but won't swear to it, that I sold the last one last year...being the TOOPID guy that I am. But it was time to let go and move forward.

A study of the Elmers and all of Wheeler's POINTS would be good in the PERSUASION AND INFLUENCE forum, and I did write about this in Remote Influence.

IF you wanted to tweak and twist as Phil would say, Joe there is a FORTUNE (my definition: a ton of money) to be made by the person who takes Elmer Wheeler's Book on RELATIONSHIPS and updates it for today's INTERNET DATING times. It is on an equal par with Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Thanks Joe, we may, perhaps, explore the Elmers in depth at a new Seeds of Wisdom Publishing Forum...and sinde their work is, apparently, Public Domain, we could offer it for FREE to those that are interested.

Gordon (I ate the Steak cause I was starving, never heard the sizzle) Alexander
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Old September 27, 2006, 12:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: FREE Copy of first chapter of

It would be great to have a sizzleman forum. And talk about all the great old books. Because many are better than the newer ones. The newer ones are really in many cases old hat, for many of us.

He wrote one on his travels around the world and another and fullfilling your dreams. The best in my humble opinion is the two sizzle books. "Tested Sentences and "New Tested Sentences" I am delighted to be to sell them both.

You could not produce his works again for any amount of money. But we don't have it. These words and phrases still work today.

I am too busy promoting the book to do a forum that takes a lot of time. I sent up a forum for finders and no one posts so that is a full time promotion too. I just wish I were a clone.

I wanted people to just taste that first chapter and know how good it is for marketing and life in general.

I use one once that I don't if it is in his book but it went like this: "Get $50,000 just talking to people" It unfortunately was a mlm and they have their own problems. But this is not about MLM just words that sell like hot cakes. Elmer Wheeler did and thank for these books I read them again and again.

I would certainly post at sizzle forum. And help put all his books in pdf files.

He wrote a ton of them.
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