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October 26, 2016, 10:50 AM
Episode 9 Gordon Jay Alexander's Fly Low Collect the Dough UPDATE HOTLINE

Today: Gambling. One of my lottery clubs is at 29% ROI for this year. We'll double down in the next two months to see if we can get it down to 14% or explode, one or the other. Before I get too far into this episode, let me give you a brief background.

Harvey Brody, Melvin Powers and Joe Karbo all published books on gambling, it has been a staple of publishers for decades. In the 1990's, Ken Silver published a report on winning the lottery, and around the same time Bill Myers created one of his earlier pieces of software to create “instant” websites.

My first lottery web site was up in 1999. So, I'm not a Johnny come lately to the whole lottery/gambling niche. I know many professional gamblers, and most of them are fly low and collect the dough types. You won't find them involved in lawsuits about “cheating” at blackjack, by counting cards. What a rigged system, step into a Trump casino (do any exist anymore) and be aware of what cards have been played, and YOU are the cheater? Really??

Anyhow, what I want to get across in this episode are the little unusual ways to use other people's money to get what you want while helping them get what they want too. Sound fair?

A “few” of you know of my lottery clubs because you are members, unlike Ken Silver who took his club huge, and has made millions from his MEMBERS, I've kept mine small, intimate and mostly local. My three digit group (12) each puts in 100 bux on the first of the month, and it roughly translates to about 40 dollars a day, but it never is exact. This is the group at 29% ROI, so far this year.

As “manager” of the group, I do not put money in, but I get a share of all winnings.

Back in 1987 I wrote a report, How to Start a Cult for Fun and Profit, and it brought a lot of rage and discussion in the old Newsgroups, as they were in those days, and I might have been the first spammer trying to “commercialize” the Online groups (Oh, those good old days). Not much difference between a cult and a club, or in modern IM terms, a MEMBERSHIP site. Bill Myers has had a paid membership site since 1997 (If memory serves) and back then he was getting $1,000.00 a year for his Idea Bank. Great stuff.

So, whatever you are interested in, consider starting a local club, with PAID MEMBERS. Find 20 people and set fees at 20 bux a month, and parlay that 400 dollars into even bigger results.

One of my classmates won the Rolling Cash 5 for over 100 grand. The manager of the little Circle K up the street has won over 200 k in Ohio lotteries, and this lucky little store is where many of my “club” go to buy their tickets. Like attracts like and luck attract lucks, or so we believe. There is something to be said about hanging out with winners, no matter what your field of interest. Just makes sense.

So what kind of a club could you start?
A hunting and fishing club? A golf club? Bowling? Marketing? Internet Marketing? Book? Restaurant? There are all kinds of possibilities, so put your thinking cap on and ask yourself, what do you love to study, do, what hobbies or interests do you have and how can you profit from like minded people? My brother does pretty well with his fantasy football team (hint, he NEVER bets on the Browns, HA!)

Clubs, cults or membership groups. You've got several in you, get them out and share your passion.

OK. Only a couple of Questions this Episode.

From Larry in FL comes; Gordon, I work on cars, what can I do for extra money?

A. Larry, my natural inclination is to tell you to add car detailing and headlight cleaning, but in your case, with a shop and tools, I'll give you a secret NO one else is doing. Attend your auctions, look for soccer mom vans, buy them...and convert them to STEALTH RV's. Many guys and couples would want something like this to travel around without announcing to the world they are living in an RV. There are many free videos you can watch on YouTube which shows you what to add. If you want, put on a pop up top, and really increase the value. Good luck. OH, and add car detailing and headlight cleaning.

Q. From Sharon in New Jersey; Gordon, I read somewhere about your jewelry business, how did it work?

A. Sharon, wow, you must have gotten hold of ancient Gordon stuff. Let me tell you how my friend Phyllis did it, she was more successful than I was. She did wire wrap. Set up small displays in beauty shops, recruited the people in these shops to sell for her and do home parties. She could have gone full time if she had wanted. Nothing beats a class on how to make a piece, which they take home and some on-site stuff they buy. Try it, you may love it. I know she did.

That's all this episode. Send questions to gjabiz@yahoo.com be sure to put FLY LOW in the subject header so I see it.

Gordon Jay Alexander

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