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October 8, 2016, 09:46 AM

Yes, I will include your URL and your name if you want when you ask a question, but my default is to just put a state and not anything else.

So, let's begin with the Q and A.

Q. How do you shop for prices on Craigslist?

A. Go to Craigslist Put FOR SALE in search, then a dollar range, try 249 to 399. See what comes up. Then raise it by 100 bux, go from 399 to 499, etc. Don't skip those with no pics, sometimes they just don't have any (and sometimes trying to sneak one over on CL). Now keep tabs open on Google, Amazon on Ebay. Look for the same item on eBay and only look at sold listings. Then search Google (Shopping) and Amazon to see new and used prices.

If there is a gap, your Craigslist listing is far below the eBay prices, you may have a stored value product.

Q. Can I buy on Amazon and sell locally?

A. Absolutely. Here is an example. I found a Honda eu20001 on Craigslist for 700 bux and after checking what was sold, it wasn't a bad price. Then I found a guy, an Amazon dealer, who was selling his stock at 500 bux and FREE shipping. I ordered one. Let you know how it works. See, I can probably flip in the morning it arrives for 150 dollar profit. These things exists, being a member of several Facebook Amazon Sellers groups helps. If I said it once, I've uttered it a million times, BUILD NETWORKS. With Winter coming, I hope to source several generators and space heaters.

Q. How do I write up an Option Contract on higher priced chattel?

A. Standard answer is, this what your business attorney is for. But, it isn't rocket science. Bigger things, mobile homes, boats, airplanes have an instrument known as a Chattel Mortgage. My friend Bud Riggs (The Boz), was an expert at these and airplanes. He was a pilot and a plane mechanic and it was not uncommon for him to flip a plane and pocket several thousands of dollars. And he also bartered.

But do a Google search, here is one site which offers all kinds of contracts you can print: https://www.printablecontracts.com/

If you want more info on options on chattel (mainly used for Finder's Fees), just let me know.

Q. Can you give examples of Value Added Chatteling?

A. Sure. Sell a biz plan along with your chattel. If you find a good buy on a serger (embroidery sewing machine) and offer it with plans, like “Daddy's Pillow”. A friend made custom pillows for my kids when they were young kids, and they still have them. The pillows were giant washcloths sewn together stuffed with nylon hose from the defect isle, and custom embroidered. These sell on Betsy from 25 to 100 dollars. About 30 min of research and a little report or just links, adds value to the sewing machine. So, when you sell something, think of ways it can be used to make money and add that value on your ad.

OK. Send your questions to gjabiz@yahoo.com Be sure to put FLY LOW in the subject.

Today, the last quarter has begun and for many businesses this is Profit time. I used to work at the Hickory Farms kiosk every year and they made their money for the year I the those few weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years.

Halloween has become a huge business, with pop-up costume shops (by the way, a well maintained costume/mascot shop is a pretty good side business, I worked at one) and candy, and yard decorations, and haunted houses, haunted schools and haunted farms are all raking in the dough.

This season will come again next year, and the year after, and the time to cash in is now, for next year. I see too many people waiting until the event arrives and then try to figure out how to make money.

Right now, I'm working on projects for the 50<sup>th</sup> anniversary of the Lunar Landing, and that is 3 years away. We hope to make a killing.

Election season is almost over, but NOW is when the yard signs pop up, the billboards are covered with political ads, the mailboxes are filled with giant postcards. We've done pretty well this season, there will be another Presidential election in 4 years. And several local ones before then.

HOT item coming our way. The FOOD truck.
Sure, it has been a staple for a long time, and I've written about it over a decade ago, a friend in Kent had a food truck outside the bars, and he ran ice cream too.
We had a Mister Softee truck but my dad couldn't figure out how to keep us from buying friends (and giving away profits) so he sold it off. I saw a freezer for sale on Craigslist and I'm buying it, it is a rare find at 110 and not 220, and with the little Honda Generator I could offer Ice Cream anywhere. I used to buy stuff from GFS Marketplace and mark it up 100%.

Anyhow, as we see more Chipotle type food incidents, and people avoiding these things or boycotting certain ones, there is a rise in a TRUCK DATE. Take your date out to a Food Truck event, in fact, I've heard about a new dating service, sort of a speed dating thing, set up at one of these Food Truck days.

Mark these words, mobile food and FRANCHISES for them, are about to explode. Food for thought and profits!

Gordon gjabiz@yahoo.com

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