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October 12, 2016, 09:08 AM
Episode 5... The FLY LOW-COLLECT DOUGH UPDATE HOTLINE by Gordon Jay Alexander

In this episode, Q and A, circulation vs storage and other stuff.

From “LD” in AZ comes this giggle:

Hey Gordon, I want to fly low, so don't use my name, OK? OK “Larry David” I won't. But, for those who want, I will put your name and your url and a link to your website if you ask a question used in the newsletter, fair enough George Costanza? HA!

His Question: When to use a sub-domain or have it's own domain on an APV site? (Automatic Product Vending).

A. If your product can stand on it's own, that is, has a niche within a market then a designated url might work best for SEO. If it is part of a series or within a niche, then a sub-domain is fine.

From SP in NY: What is your most profitable one day workshop?

A. Well, there are two kinds of profits, the immediate fee, which is a high for me of 1,000 for a personalized version of Human Fascination, which isn't taught very often, to longer time frame profits, which I either work with or continue to advise people on their chatteling, which they pay anywhere from 50 to 125 to learn.

********** COMMENT. I find when I have an APV product to show to people, and they will get that product as part of the class, then it increases sign-ups.

Q. How do I use the SQ1 to find my true love or soul mate?

A. What you are seeking is seeking you. Be the person they are looking for, it makes the whole thing much easier. (This applies to marketing too, be the sought after).

Now, onward.

Circulation vs Storage. One of my favorite themes. Stuff in your garage, attic, basement isn't making you any money and so it is why I harp on buying and selling for a QUICK profit, and not for a bigger profit. Time and time again, I talk to people who tell me, “but it is worth more than that”, and of course you can do as you please...

but the TIME wasted to get that MORE from it, is time your money could have circulated into more transactions. If speed is a motivator, do more transactions for less profit, but be quick about it.

Choosing money making and fly low projects which go against your personality is a fast track to failure and frustration. Don't decide to sell something door to door if you just can't do it.

Not knowing yourself and what you want is one of the primary causes of shiny object and unicorn chasing.

Know what you want, and then do what it takes.

That's all today. Gordon Jay

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