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November 16, 2016, 02:08 PM
13 Gordon Jay Alexander's Fly Low Collect the Dough UPDATE HOTLINE Episode 13

What if?

I started playing a game of what if the day Trump won the R-nominee. I'm pretty sure if Hillary had been elected, it would have been same old-same old, business as usual, gridlock and yada, yada, yada.

But Trump? So for the last few months I have been deep into research on the What IF Trump wins, and lucky you, you are going to benefit from my game. First, not too much history to go on, closest modern day election might be Reagan, but Trump is off the chain when it comes to predictability.

So, today, I'm going to give you 5 ways to CASH IN ON THE CHAOS OF TRUMPDOM.

Either play both sides or choose, then cash in with T-Shirts, placards, messaging opportunities and Facebook groups.
A- teespring, bonfire, uberprints, cafepress will get you started. I've got my graphic and cartooning friends fired up and we will be selling to both sides of the isles.
B-Protesters spend money, and this protest may last four years, so visit sites like; https://www.designprintdigital.com/printing/promotional-events/placard-printing/
Or contact me to get some really good deals on printing.
C- Facebook groups, get started today, you may be late to the party but the party of profits is going to last another four years.

Fire up your cult. Are you a prepper? Evangelist? KKK? Weed advocate? Whatever sort of group you lead, preach to or advocate for, now is the time to use the power of rhetoric to get them excited, wound up and reaching for their wallets. If you don't have a club, cult or group of people to influence, it is a great time to start one. Best bet and cheapest is to tap into the 2 billion Facebook users, you can start mouthing off today, be profitable in no time. If you need help starting your own cult, I have a special deal and I can help you. Help begins at 100 bux and escalates from there depending on time needed to help, ok? gjabiz@yahoo.com Fly Low CULT
We still gotta eat. Perfect time for....SNACK foods. In times of uncertainty, when people don't know what to expect, they reach for their comfort snack. A snickers in the mouth is worth two tums in the belly. Sure, there will be a lot of anti-acids sold, maybe private label one, Trump Tummy Gummies (hey, that's good, remember Reagan had jelly beans, maybe Trump can have Tic Tacs) We are investing into some “throwback candies”, two places in town are opening up bulk candy franchises, I suspect they will do well. Yum Yum Trees. Check them out.

I'm not big on vending machines, simply don't want to compete with Mafia, or cartels but I may change my mind. I like long term shelf life wrapped snacks, like buffalo and ostrich type snacks, peppered meats will always sell, getting the shelf space presents a problem but I have someone in the group who knows how to do it, but you have to ask.

Jobs. Of course. I am already helping a couple of you to start your own part-time resumes and job businesses. NOW is the time to get your Wordpress blog set up, make a post a day and by January 20<sup>th</sup>, you'll have a lot of content. Listen, you could easily make an extra hundred bux a day with just a resume service, most people are clueless when it comes to resumes and job interviewing skills and the legalization of weed in some states is a game changer, it will be for the NFL. Maybe Josh Gordon will go play in California. By the way, the NFL is bleeding almost as bad as MACYS, enjoy the T-Day Parade, there may not be a Macy's next year, blow back from their Trump collection?

Along with jobs, as I discussed in past episodes, TRAINING will continue to be a money maker, so revisit some of the episodes, found at Sowpub.com, Jay's Blog Forum, and get caught up. I count all things job getting, job oriented as one opportunity, but you can split them apart as you want.

CHATTELING. Bet you saw that one coming didn't you? Fact of life friend, when the nation gets shaky, in times of uncertainty, while chewing on our favorite snack, we tend to do one of two things; A- say **** it, and do what we want, buy what we want and carpe diem, live for the day (you'll see a lot of A) and B- gather piles of cash which means selling stuff off, often at a discount too. I like emergency generators, vans, all things LEHMANS (Amish, off grid type stuff) and guns. Good time to get into guns, ammo, re-loaders. Etc.
OK, those are just 5.

I have enough research and much more filled out information wise and I've thought about building a Trump Survival Course, or big Report, but I have no interest. What I do have is a condensed version of the last 3 months of What IF, and I made a HOTSHEET, a longer one for me than normal, but it's not a report. It is 5 bux if you want it, send me the 5 bux to my PayPal, gjabiz@yahoo.com and because there is NOT a download, I'll send the pdf file back in an attached email. Be patient, contrary to some of your opinions, I do not live online 24/7.

From our readers. A lady sent me a little report, something about Brown Bags and Banks, and it was really good. Thanks. The gist is, give little lunch time talks at BANKS, sort of a take off on my Saturday morning workshops. It is really a good idea, because the bank gives you the credibility and gets small businesses to come, so if you have a 30-45 minute presentation, consider a BANK as a partner. By the way, if anyone sends me something, be sure to tell me if I can use it, and if you want your name or website mentioned, I want to give credit where it is due. I will not post or send anything I don't have permission to send, which is why the Bank Report is not available through me, if interested I'll contact her and see if she has permission to either sell it or give it to you.

OK, that's all for now, exciting times ahead, make sure you have a plan to cash in.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. Feedback from the Instant Persuasion HOTSHEET has been fantastic, thinking of doing a webinar, any interest? Or a more in depth report? Or neither.

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